AETC celebrates its multi-year experience with battery electrochemistry. We make and test a variety of batteries and cells representing at least 15 commercially-viable cell chemistries. Most of our products are customized and are designed to fit form-factored applications which are often proprietary to our customers.
AETC celebrates its multi-year experience with battery electrochemistry. We make and test a variety of batteries and cells representing at least 15 commercially-viable cell chemistries. Most of our products are customized and are designed to fit form-factored applications which are often proprietary to our customers.
AETC celebrates its multi-year experience with battery electrochemistry. We make and test a variety of batteries and cells representing at least 15 commercially-viable cell chemistries. Most of our products are customized and are designed to fit form-factored applications which are often proprietary to our customers.
AETC celebrates its multi-year experience with battery electrochemistry. We make and test a variety of batteries and cells representing at least 15 commercially-viable cell chemistries. Most of our products are customized and are designed to fit form-factored applications which are often proprietary to our customers.
AETC introduces its capabilities in battery design and assembly. We take pride in our in-house production of a range of battery types, including alkaline, lithium primary, zinc air, and lithium ion batteries and their respective chemistries.
AETC introduces its capabilities in battery design and assembly. We take pride in our in-house production of a range of battery types, including alkaline, lithium primary, zinc air, and lithium ion batteries and their respective chemistries.
American Energy Technologies Co. is a for-profit, international, entrepreneurial organization and a woman-owned, privately held small business concern, incorporated in the state of Illinois, United States of America. We aspire to lead the market in the industries we serve. We realize the road there will be anything but easy or smooth, but we continue to march towards our goals. We believe that our people are the most valuable assets and we are looking for those of you prepared to hike with us to the ultimate success.
We are committed to bringing professionals on board with the highest level of technical expertise, skill, and moral standards in the United States of America. In order to achieve our sustainable growth goals, we search for and hire the best people available for each position within the needs and budget possibilities existent in our company.
AETC is currently looking for potential employees with meaningful experience and skills in electrochemistry, chemical engineering, and technology management. There are also current openings for plant and chemical engineers, as well as laboratory and industrial chemists. In addition, AETC offers internship programs for the following types of students (all candidates must be willing to work in the Chicagoland area):
STEM-focused high school students
Undergraduates who have completed at least one year of college pursuing a degree in science or engineering
Graduate and PhD students pursuing relevant degrees
If you would like to submit a resume and cover letter or request more information about joining the American Energy Technologies Co.’s team, please e-mail Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents to be considered.